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Autor Téma: Prace v severnim Londyne - Care workers  (Přečteno 14982 krát)

Karma: 0
Příspěvků: 1

« : Září 24, 2014, 01:11:36 pm »

Practical Care Ltd is a growing domiciliary care agency based in North London (Barnet), looking for compassionate and dedicated care workers to join the team supporting vulnerable adults in their own homes.

Duties depend on individual client’s needs and may include personal care such as dressing, bathing or food preparation, help with socialising or transfers and assistance with simple household chores (making bed, washing up after meal).


- good command of English and ability to communicate effectively

- living in or close to the area

- ability to create friendly relationships with both clients and colleagues

- experience in health and social care is preferred

- must be self-motivated and well organised


What we offer:

- good rates of pay starting from £8.00 an hour

- various shift patterns

- flexible hours

- free DBS (CRB) check

- free induction training

- free uniform

- free QFC training in Health and Social Care


Please send us your CV and a cover letter to info[at] (nebo mi napiste SMS na 07850581213 a ja zavolam zpet).
« Poslední změna: Září 24, 2014, 01:12:42 pm od David » Zaznamenáno
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