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Autor Téma: Video Game Tester (Freelance) - CZECH  (Přečteno 159322 krát)

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Příspěvků: 1

« : Březen 08, 2010, 04:21:44 pm »

Company Overview:
Anakan GmbH is a specialized game localization company working on 10 platforms and in 30 languages. Located in Berlin, Anakan offers a stimulating work environment: we pride ourselves on our creativity, friendliness and professionalism.
Our full-service business is based on two key principles – commitment to customer satisfaction and a genuine love of gaming. To achieve this, we strive to ensure that the members of our talented team (20+) enjoy their work, and we provide all our staff with the opportunity to expand their skills and develop into creative leaders.
As of today, we have localized more than 1,300 products for many of the world's best-known companies, such as Activision, Microsoft, Sony, Nintendo, Eidos, Vivendi Games, Ubisoft, Atari, Sega, Virgin, Mattel, Mindscape, EA, Kemco, Koch Media, Square Enix, etc.

Our services include:
- Translation: coordination, in-game text, manuals, scripts
- Testing: localization testing, functionality testing, compliance testing
- Audio: pre-/post-production, multilingual voiceovers
- DTP: text-flow, layout, font management
- Creative media, including demos, trailers and advertising materials

Position Overview:
We are currently seeking freelance video game testers (NOT a full-time position) who are living in Berlin and are willing to work in our office within a nice and friendly working environment. Successful candidates will evaluate the localized content of video games on various platforms in terms of grammar, spelling, context and design. Additionally, testers will ensure that console manufacturers’ terminology guidelines have been correctly followed.
- Evaluating localized on-screen text, audio and subtitles
- Verifying console terminology
- Bug reporting in online/offline bug databases
- Cooperating with test leads and international testers

- Native speaker of the language to be evaluated - CZECH
- Good verbal and written communication skills in English
- Strong passion for video games and comprehensive knowledge of video game platforms (PS2, PS3, PSP, Xbox 360, Nintendo DS, Wii, mobile devices)
- Knowledge and command of various game genres, extensive gaming experience
- Good knowledge of PC/Windows/Office
- Flexible, pro-active and team-oriented attitude
- Previous experience in QA or game localization is a plus
- Minimum age is 18
- Good general communication skills
- Ability to learn new tools quickly and effectively
- Ability to work independently with minimal supervision
- Located in Berlin

If you think your qualifications match our requirements, please send your application to: testing[zavináč]  and type "Video Game Tester + (Your Language)” in the subject line.

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