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Autor Téma: 19.03.2008 - Burza práce v lucemburské hospodářské komoře.  (Přečteno 17986 krát)


Karma: 45
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« : Prosinec 06, 2007, 08:20:40 pm »

Burza práce 19/03/2008 v lucemburské hospodářské komoře.
Deadline for applications: 09/03/2008

(nejen) pro praci hledajici Cechy a Slovaky v Luxu.
Je to každoročně unikátní šance na pohovory a distribuci CV, vše na jednom místě a v jeden čas.



After 2 major successes in 2006 and 2007, Pangloss International is
pleased to announce you that TALENT FOR LUXEMBOURG 2008 will take place on
March 19th, 2008 at the Chamber of Commerce of Luxembourg.

During this unique Recruitment Event, preselected and invited candidates
will be meeting and sharing career expectations with delegates from
quality Luxembourg-based companies.

So far, 22 companies have already decided to participate in

Accenture, Altran, Amazon, BNP Paribas, Caceis, Deloitte Luxembourg,
Deutsche Borse, Dexia, Ersnt & Young, Fortis Banque Luxembourg, Fortis
Intertrust, ING Luxembourg, IEE, InterAtoz, JP Morgan, Kauphthing Bank, KB
Lux, Lombard International , RBC Dexia, State Street Bank, Swiss Life
Luxembourg and UBS Luxembourg

As candidate, you :

- have a univesrity degree
- have between 0 and 10 years of professional experience
- are fluent in English + another European Language
- are willing to start or continue your career in Luxembourg

Please consult and discover the participating
companies as well as some of their career opportunities.

APPLY before March 9th, 2008 via

As "Pangloss Member", you only will have to update your account. We do
need your CV for the preselection process.

Pangloss International will be in charge of the selection and the
invitation of preselected candidates. Only invitated candidates will be
expected at the Event.

Looking forward to welcoming you in March 2008 in Luxembourg !

We wish you all the best for your career!

Best Regards,

The Pangloss Team
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