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Autor Téma: 27.11.2014 - Přednáška v Londýně ohledně samoté revoluce v roce 1989  (Přečteno 36017 krát)

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« : Listopad 02, 2014, 10:55:26 pm »

The Velvet Revolution 25 Years on: An Émigré Perspective

Dr Katya Kocourek will discuss the British (including émigré) perspectives on the changes in Czechoslovakia in the autumn of 1989, which saw the demise of the one-party state and the Communist system. Dr Kocourek draws on several sources, including memoirs, journalistic writing and private papers, to analyse the political and diplomatic reaction to these changes in the West, which also marked the de facto end of Gorbachev's 'perestroika' during the twilight years of Thatcherite Britain. Organised with the support and co-operation of the Embassy of the Czech Republic. Wines by

Thursday 27th November at 6.30pm in the Czech Embassy. £15 including beer, wine or soft drinks, and canapés. To book online, see To collect tickets at the door, please notify us in advance: michaeldeval[at]
« Poslední změna: Listopad 10, 2014, 04:56:48 pm od David » Zaznamenáno
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