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Stran: [1]   Dolů
Autor Téma: Byt v Mamer  (Přečteno 16622 krát)

Karma: 2
Příspěvků: 13

« : Červen 11, 2018, 02:55:12 pm »

Dobrý den,

Opouštím byt v Mameru a tak nabízím přenechání. Zbytek anglicky níže.

Flat is in Mamer (Rue du Commerce), at 2nd floor with more than 100m squares, 3 independent rooms, small but fully equipped kitchen, big bathroom (shower as well as a bathtub), separate toilet and small garden on 1st floor shared with a friend of mine who lives underneath. There is also a lot of storage place underneath the attic. Rent is 1400€/month with charges. You can also undertake internet and insurance contracts. The flat is partially renewed and it comes empty. At the moment the flat is fully furnished and as everything will be sold, you can directly buy some furniture as well… No agency, direct contact with the owner. The guarantee is 3x month rent.

The situation is very convenient as Mamer train station is some 5mins walk away and the train brings you to Luxembourg Gare in 15minutes. Parking places in front of the street.

The flat shall be transferred to new tenant by the upcoming summer latest but it can also be done as soon as August onward.

Contact : Pište prosím mail na dusek.dom[zavináč] neb jsem aktuálně v nemocnici.

S pozdravem,
Dominik Dušek
Stran: [1]   Nahoru
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