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Stran: [1]   Dolů
Autor Téma: Internship / Praktikum / Praxe  (Přečteno 15644 krát)
Hermith GmbH

Karma: 0
Příspěvků: 1

« : Duben 20, 2011, 01:38:02 pm »

Hermith GmbH specializes in alloys based on aluminium, titanium, nickel.
We work within a trusted network of suppliers, finishers and fabricators
in order to give our customers the best quality, price and material delivery on every order.

We are currently looking for two interns (1 year period, with an immediate start)

for supporting our business activities in distribution of special metal alloys in Europe.

You will be responsible for main office support and administrative tasks.

The suitable candidate must be fluent in English (other languages such as Czech, German, Spanish, Italian, Swedish, Danish, etc. preferable).
•   Be able to handle customers with extra care, dedication and courtesy.
•   Have strong analytical skills.
•   Be able to contribute to long term business decisions.
•   Be self motivated and committed to detail.
•   Be able to take relevant initiatives and to work with little supervision.
•   PC & MS skills

No previous experience is necessary and training will be provided.

If this sounds like a good fit for you, please send us an email with your CV to hr[zavináč]
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